Revised Design for Northampton Police Station

Plans for the new Northampton Police Station have been revised in light of public input. Here is the revision of September 3, also available as a PDF:

Here is the previous design from August:

Another view of the August design:

Here is a new plan for the parking garage on Gothic Street (also available as a PDF):

Here is the previous design from August:

Another view of the design from August:

Here is the latest site plan (unchanged from August, click for a larger view):

See also:

New Police Station – Design Revised Again (9/22/08)
City Councilor David Narkewicz has kindly called our attention to the
latest proposed design for the new police station (also downloadable as
a PDF, 9.3MB):

Police Station Building Committee

Video: Police Station Building Committee Presents Design (8/21/08)

Proposed Design for New Police Station Unveiled (8/20/08)

Northampton Police Department, Massachusetts: Needs Assessment & Facility Master Plan (PDF, 2005)
The Northampton Police Department has outgrown its current facilities on Center Street [12,000 square feet]. The forty-year-old
building no longer meets the space, operational or security needs of the Department…