Northampton Residents File a Request for Superseding Order of Conditions with State DEP

Following the Conservation Commission’s approval of Sovereign Builder’s View Avenue project at the end of September and the issuance of a wetlands Order of Conditions on October 3, Northampton residents including several abutters filed a Request for Superseding Order of Conditions (PDF) with the state Department of Environmental Protection. The request was prepared by the […]

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Second Peer Review Still Finds Deficiencies in Sovereign Builders’ Proposal for View Avenue

Robert Gemma of MetroWest Engineering has returned to evaluate the latest stormwater management plan from Sovereign Builders for their View Avenue proposal. He continues to find areas of concern. Download Mr. Gemma’s review (PDF) or read it below. The View Avenue proposal will be considered at tonight’s Conservation Commission meeting. The public is encouraged to […]

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Sovereign Builders Special Permit Hearing Scheduled for June 13

Sovereign Builders and Berkshire Design Group will have a special permit and Site Plan Review before the Northampton Planning Board on June 13 at 7:20pm. They propose to build 12 units of residential housing around 8 View Avenue. Please attend at City Council Chambers, 212 Main Street. Learn more about the project and download related […]

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Lilly Lombard Makes Updated Presentation on Trees to City Council/Board of Public Works Conference Committee

Lilly Lombard made a presentation on the value and importance of urban trees to Northampton’s City Council/Board of Public Works Conference Committee on June 23 (meeting agenda). Here is a YouTube video of the meeting recorded by Ruth McGrath (see the first 46 minutes for the presentation and discussion about trees), followed by a PDF […]

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October 4: Ward 3 Neighborhood Association Annual Meeting and Bike Path Opening

The Ward 3 Neighborhood Association is circulating this announcement: The Ward Three Neighborhood Association, the Northampton Office of Planning and Development and the Friends of Northampton Trails and Greenways will hold a two-part celebration on Sunday, Oct. 4, 2009. The first part will be the annual meeting of the Ward Three Neighborhood Association, which will […]

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