Video: Andrew Weir Interviews for Planning Board with Appointments & Evaluations Committee, 6/14/10

Here is a complete video of the 6/14/10 meeting of Northampton’s Appointments & Evaluations Committee. This is a committee of the City Council. Andrew Weir, a landscape designer and IT consultant, was interviewed for a position on the Planning Board. The committee voted to recommend his appointment. This video is 30 minutes long and was recorded by Lachlan Ziegler.

See also:

Video: Chamber Presents “Rezoning King Street” to Planning Board on 6/10/10
Click the link above for excerpts from the Chamber’s “Findings & Recommendations” (PDF). The attention to parking issues and pedestrian comfort is welcome. Potential areas of controversy include:

  • Allowing more uses without a Special Permit, including hotels. A recent proposal to build a Hilton Garden Inn downtown was extremely controversial. One way to address the public’s desire for good design would be robust infill design standards.
  • Reducing the setbacks between commercial areas and residential neighborhoods
  • Stormwater management problems caused by an increase in impervious surface