We encourage citizens to attend this public forum on best practices in Northampton city government. Here is the agenda from the Best Practices Google Group:
Best Practices Public Forum #1
Time |
History Forum * Generate § What § What * Enlist Evening * Intro * Vox Populi Video * Warm-Up * Small Group * Report-Backs * Call for * Conclusion Forum * Speak * Keep * Remain |
10 |
People-on-the-Street To |
5 |
Warm-Up Take 3 minutes to write down your |
10 |
Small * You’ll * Break * Please |
55 |
Reassemble What |
15 |
Solicit |
10 |
Conclusion: * Any * Hand |
15 |
See also:
Gazette Guest Column: “Give residents a role in city issues”
Since most people are not experienced or comfortable with public
speaking in front of large groups, the mode of reaching out and
obtaining information could include interviews, written answers to
questionnaires, e-mail, or some combination of these approaches…
changing zoning ordinances so that development can occur in established
neighborhoods there is a conflict between whether primacy is given to
the quality of life of the residents who live there or to the wishes of
other city residents who want more housing options and to developers
who want to generate more business…
For there to be
sustainable citizen involvement in the future of Northampton, input on
issues of consequence to the lives of our residents needs to be both
actively solicited and facilitated so that critically important
opinions are not coming in a delayed, after-the-fact manner, where the
opportunity for true discussion has then been missed.
Gazette Lead Editorial: “A public role in planning”
the Planning Board’s options are limited statutorily, in our opinion
there needs to be a way for the board to garner public opinion earlier
in the process and work with developers sooner to address design
…Northampton would benefit from a review of its
planning process – with a particular eye on its public notification
efforts to ensure that the public is involved early in the process.
Fran Volkmann: Planning Board Needs to Consider Proposals in their Broader Context
its meeting on Thursday night, the Planning Board addressed only a few
of the many “tree” questions and essentially no “forest” questions…
no time did it address a single idea, question, or item of information
submitted to it in an extensive set of letters and public comment.
quality of decision-making on the board may well be the single most
important determiner of the quality of major projects such as this
hotel. The way the board reaches decisions also influences in important
ways the level of acceptance of projects by the community. And, not
least over the long run, the board’s approach to decision-making
determines the level of trust and confidence that the public has in the
board and in the Planning Department that guides its work.
Letter to Gazette: Planning Board too lax with Developers
the case of the proposed Beaverbrook Estates project here in
Leeds…citizens have repeatedly expressed profound unease about the
project’s impact on the environment, traffic, pedestrian safety, water
pressure, and storm water drainage… Rather than contend with these
issues directly, the Planning Board has repeatedly followed the Office
of Planning and Development’s staff recommendations and granted the
applicant multiple waivers to state and local regulations. Waivers
should only be granted if the project is in the public good, and this
has hardly been demonstrated. In the end, narrow private interests seem
to trump the greater good.
Seeing Like a State: Planning Gone Awry in the 20th Century
Scott proposes guidelines to reduce the potential harm from plans. These include:
Take small steps. In an experimental approach to
social change, presume that we cannot know the consequences of our
interventions in advance. Given this postulate of ignorance, prefer
wherever possible to take a small step, stand back, observe, and then
plan the next small move…Favor reversibility. Prefer
interventions that can easily be undone if they turn out to be
mistakes. Irreversible interventions have irreversible consequences.
Interventions into ecosystems require particular care in this respect,
given our great ignorance about how they interact…Plan on surprises.
Choose plans that allow the largest accommodation to the unforeseen…
In planning housing, it would mean “designing in” flexibility for
accommodating changes in family structures or living styles…Plan on human inventiveness.
Always plan under the assumption that those who become involved in the
project later will have or will develop the experience and insight to
improve on the design… (p.345)
Scott concludes by calling
for a healthy respect for diverse lifestyles and the wisdom of ordinary
people. In the case of Northampton, we urge planners to respect
the preferences of families with children, as this has been a major issue in other Smart Growth cities like Portland.
The power and precision of high-modernist schemes depended
not only on bracketing contingency but also on standardizing the
subjects of development…This subject was singularly
abstract… Standardized citizens were uniform in their needs and even
interchangeable. What is striking, of course, is that such
subjects–like the “unmarked citizens” of liberal theory–have, for the
purposes of the planning exercise, no gender, no tastes, no history, no
values, no opinions or original ideas, no traditions, and no
distinctive personalities to contribute to the enterprise…To
the degree that subjects can be treated as standardized units, the
power of resolution in the planning exercise is enhanced. Questions
posed within these strict confines can have definitive, quantitative
answers…What is perhaps most striking about high-modernist
schemes, despite their quite genuine egalitarian and often socialist
impulses, is how little confidence they repose in the skills,
intelligence, and experience of ordinary people.…the high-modernist urban complex represents an impoverished and unsustainable social system…
diverse, animated environments contribute, as Jacobs saw, to producing
a resilient, flexible, adept population that has more experience in
confronting novel challenges and taking initiative. Narrow, planned
environments, by contrast, foster a less skilled, less innovative, less
resourceful population. (p.345-349)…