Video: Conservation Commission Meeting of 7/23/09; Barrett Street Marsh; Community Preservation Act Funds

Here is a complete video of the 7/23/09 meeting of Northampton’s Conservation Commission. This video is 1 hour 18 minutes long and was recorded by Lachlan Ziegler. During the meeting there was a brief discussion of the Kohl condo proposal off North Street. Conservation and Land Use Planner Bruce Young said that a hydrogeologist has been selected to evaluate the impact of the proposed development on the wetland and buffer areas. Their report is scheduled to be discussed at a Conservation Commission hearing on Thursday, August 27, 6pm in the City Hall Hearing Room.

The meeting also covered the persistent challenge raised by beavers damming the flow of water in Barrett Street Marsh. Following that, a discussion of recent Community Preservation Act funding patterns noted that open space preservation is currently underrepresented, in part due to large expenditures on the renovation of Forbes Library. (We point this out not to criticize today’s CPA priorities, but in the hope that open space preservation will get more attention in the future, especially in Northampton’s denser urban areas.)

Here is the 7/23 meeting agenda:

Northampton Conservation Commission

Date: Thursday July 23, 2009
Time: 5:30 PM
Place: City Hall Hearing Room (use back door or main Crafts Avenue door) 2nd floor, 210 Main Street, Northampton

For more information: Bruce W. Young, Land Use and Conservation Planner


Approval of Minutes for 06/11/2009

5:30 PM (0:03:38 on video)
Notice of Intent filed by William Wzorek for the relocation of a driveway. Project is proposed to take place in the 100-foot buffer zone to Bordering Vegetated Wetlands. Project location is 71 Cardinal Way, Map ID 36-341.

5:45 PM (0:12:26 on video)
Notice of Intent filed by David Graves of Kollmorgen Electro Optical to construct a fire access road and concrete block retaining wall. Project is proposed to take place within the 100-foot buffer zone of isolated wetlands. Project location is the Village at Hospital Hill, Map ID 38A-99 & 102.

6:00 PM (0:35:08 on video)
Continuation of a Notice of Intent filed by Tofino Associates, Inc. and Northern Avenue Homes, Inc. for the construction of twenty-three dwelling units and associated roadways, parking areas, driveways, sidewalks, utilities, landscaping and stormwater management system. Project is proposed to take place in the 100-foot buffer zone of Bordering Vegetated Wetlands. Project location is Northern Avenue, Map Id 25C-12 and 25C-17.

Other Business
Discussion on Barrett Street Marsh management and maintenance issues (0:38:37 on video)
Discussion on Community Preservation Act project applications (0:50:37 on video)

See also:

Kollmorgen and the Bike Trail: Video Excerpt from the State Hospital CAC Meeting of 6/17/09

Guest Column: Manhan Rail Trail Extension to Village Hill Northampton; June 11 Kollmorgen Hearing (6/10/09)

Video: Conservation Commission Meeting of 6/11/09
6:05 PM (starts at 0:36:40 on video)
Public meeting on Barrett Street Marsh management and maintenance issues

July 23: Kohl Condo Proposal Goes Back Before the Conservation Commission; New Draft Covenants

Special Permit As Issued to Kohl Construction for North Street Condos

Video and Slides: Planning Board Grants Special Permit to Kohl Condos on 6/25/09

Video: Conservation Commission Meeting of 3/12/09; Deadlock on Kohl Condo Proposal

Topographical Map Shows How Kohl Condo Proposal Will Eat Into a Rare Stand of Mature Trees in Downtown