Here is a complete video of the 7/23/09 meeting of Northampton’s Planning Board. This video is 3 hours and 23 minutes long, and was recorded by Ben Spencer.
Here is the official agenda:
THE PLANNING BOARD AND CENTRAL BUSINESS ARCHITECTURE COMMITTEE will hold a joint public hearing in Council Chambers, Puchalski Municipal Building, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA:
7:30 P.M. Request by Pioneer Valley Hotel Group for Amendment of Central Business Permit and Amendment of Site Plan to add windows and rooms on Hilton Garden Hotel at 260 Main St., Northampton, Map ID 31D-167.
THE PLANNING BOARD meets at 8:15 P.M. in Council Chambers, Puchalski Municipal Building, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA for public hearings:
8:15 P.M. Request by Joseph Blumenthal/J-BARC, Inc. for Planning Board Special Permit to construct an egress and storage addition lower than 30’ on the rear of 21, 23, 25 & 27 Pleasant St., Northampton, Map IDs 32C-20 & 21.
8:45 P.M. Request by City of Northampton for Special Permit for a two lot open space residential cluster and Site Plan for common driveway at 360 N. King St, Northampton, Map ID 13-36.
Schedule Fall meeting for Discussion of Village Concepts
See also:
Gazette: “Planners OK hotel changes” (7/24/09)
While the Planning Board Thursday signed off on three site plan amendments for the planned Hilton Garden Inn downtown – including increasing the number of rooms by 11 and construction of a greenhouse – some members expressed concerns with a separate plan that called for delaying the construction of an accompanying parking garage by as much as two years.
Video: Best Practices Workshop Evaluates Public Forum; Hotel Decision-Making Process Scrutinized; Wanting More from Local Media (2008)
The committee members discuss the controversial decision-making process involving the downtown Hilton Garden Inn hotel. Some frustration with local media is expressed–especially with the Daily Hampshire Gazette–for not giving the matter enough coverage early on.
Best Practices: Pictures and Video from the May 13 Public Forum (2008)