This staff report from the Planning Department has just been made available to the public. Download the PDF (787KB). We urge concerned citizens to attend the related meeting on March 25:
PLANNING BOARD AND CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE COMMITTEE in Council Chambers, Puchalski Municipal Building, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA for public hearing:
7:00 PM Proposed Zoning Ordinance amendment to prohibit landfills in Water Supply Protection Districts

See also:
Best Practices Committee Recommendation Number 9 (PDF)
Review City Council rules and procedures, and City ordinances, in relationship to best practices goals and guidelines. Consider the following
- Access to adequate resources for research and support services.
- Providing independent legal counsel…
Northampton Media: “BPW Votes to Hold Off on Landfill Expansion Application” (1/27/10)
Bessette: Ban Landfills from Water Supply Protection Districts; Video and Transcript (2/25/10)
Rebuttal to Dr. Geoffrey Kuter’s Brief for Landfill Expansion (1/26/10)
We don’t share Dr. Kuter’s confidence that landfill expansion will not increase environmental risks. It is inevitable that the landfill liners will degrade and leak over time.
Barnes Aquifer Protection Advisory Committee: “Why Aquifers and Landfills Don’t Mix”
Paradise City Forum: Landfill and Aquifer