Here is a complete video of the 6/10/10 meeting of Northampton’s Conservation Commission. This video is 1 hour 48 minutes long and was recorded by Lachlan Ziegler.
Here is the agenda for this meeting:
Northampton Conservation Commission
Agenda5:00 PM, Thursday June 10, 2010
City Hall Hearing Room 2nd floor, 210 Main Street, Northampton
Contact: Sarah LaValley, Conservation Planner – slavalley@northamptonma.gov1. 5:00 PM Northampton Montessori School, Request for Determination of Applicability to determine whether adding fill between existing retaining walls is subject to the Wetlands Protection Act and/or Northampton Wetlands Ordinance. Bates Street, Map ID 25A-139.
2. Northampton Health Department, discussion of beaver emergency permit, State and Stoddard Streets.
3. Conservation Area Land Use Regulations
4. Wetlands Ordinance Suggested Changes
5. Executive Session – Land Acquisition
6. Summer Schedule
7. Approval of Minutes
a. May 27, 20108. Review of Mail
9. All other business
See also:
Video: Conservation Commission Meeting of 7/23/09; Barrett Street Marsh; Community Preservation Act Funds
Discussion on Barrett Street Marsh management and maintenance issues (0:38:37 on video)
Video: Conservation Commission Meeting of 6/11/09
6:05 PM (starts at 0:36:40 on video)
Public meeting on Barrett Street Marsh management and maintenance issues
Flooding Around Barrett Street Marsh: Development Eyed as Factor (9/14/07)
Owned and maintained by the city, the approximately 22-acre Barrett Street marsh is located west of King Street and south of Barrett Street…
…The city has been sued over problems in the marsh and has a responsibility to maintain the area’s water infrastructure as part of a mediated agreement involving neighborhood residents…