Video: Zoning Revisions Committee Studies Feedback from Forums

Here is a video of the 3/2/11 meeting of Northampton’s Zoning Revisions Committee. The committee reviewed public comments from their February 15 (video) and 16 (video) forums. This video is 1 hour 54 minutes long and is complete except for two brief gaps for camera changeover. The recording was made by Arnie Levinson.

Here are documents summarizing comments voiced at the February forums and ideas the Zoning Revisions Committee is thinking of pursuing:

See also:

Summary of Proposals from Zoning Revisions Committee

Gazette: “Mixed reaction to proposed zoning revisions in Northampton” (2/17/11)

Take the Ward 3 Neighborhood Association Survey on infill, zoning, and design (2/14/11)

Video: Zoning Revisions Committee Meeting of 10/6/10; King Street Forum Comments; Planning Staff Offer Suggestions
As a heads up to residents of North Street and other streets that lie near the boundary between zones URB (medium urban residential density) and URC (highest urban residential density), page 4 of the Feiden/Misch memo suggests that during January-April 2011, the ZRC should “determine areas within walking distance to commercial centers whose zoning designation should be amended (e.g. properties zoned URB that should be zoned URC).” (Download PDF of Northampton zoning map)

This has the potential to bring substantial change to the rezoned areas, such as higher densities, smaller lots, reduced setbacks between structures, reduced open space, and a change in permissable uses. The changes could be compounded if the rules for URC itself are loosened to allow a greater intensity of land use.