Atlantic Cities: “16 Rules for ‘Smarter’ Smart Growth”

This Atlantic Cities article is a good read, especially item 5:

Respect neighborhood character & identity. “Lack of identity or a negative identity makes increasing neighborhood density difficult. A development that challenges or changes a community’s identity architecturally or in terms of land use can undermine the very thing that attracts residents to the neighborhood. Diversity of land uses is good but incompatibility is not. Preserve historic resources and urban fabric.” Amen to that.

See also:

Condo Monotony: The Future of Ward 3?

Suburban ‘Raise the Drawbridge’ Sentiment Motivates Some Smart Growth Policies
Prince William newcomer Greg Gorham, a software developer, moved from another Virginia suburb because a builder constructed 20 townhouses on land next to him. “That was the thing I really didn’t want to have happen to me again,” said Gorham.