May 13 Public Hearing on Proposed Zoning Changes in Residential A, B, C Neighborhoods

From Northampton’s Office of Planning and Sustainability:
Proposed zoning amendments in the residential districts have been submitted to City Council. These changes reflect the ongoing conversation about modifying regulations to reflect the existing neighborhood districts surrounding Florence Center, downtown Northampton and neighborhoods in between. The official proposal for public hearing has been modified from the draft version that was distributed during the public forums in September 2012 to reflect comments, concerns and issues.  
The proposed changes are available for viewing at under “Hot Topics”
Northampton Public Hearing
Monday May 13, 2013
Council Chambers, 212 Main St, Northampton

Committee on Elections, Rules, Ordinances joint with Planning Board

7:00 PM 
Proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendments to allow new housing based on historical neighborhood patterns in the following residentially zoned districts:  URA including- combine use & dimension tables, changes to lot size, frontage, design/layout standards, open space, parking; URB and URC including- combine use & dimension tables, changes to lot size, frontage, setback, design/layout, open space, parking
Proposed Ordinance change to 6.8 to allow more than one principal structure on a lot, eliminate projections into setbacks.


Carolyn Misch, AICP 
Senior Land Use Planner/Permits Manager
City of Northampton Office of Planning & Development
210 Main St, Room 11
Northampton, MA  01060
See also:

President of W3NA Comments on Introduction of Ordinances to Increase Density