The Ward 3 Neighborhood Association is circulating this announcement:
See also:
No Exit… Stop the I-91 Exit 19 Interchange
Northampton Redoubt: Interstate 91 Interchange 19 update (2/8/08)
MassHighway: Northampton – I-91 Exit 19 Full Interchange Project
The Connecticut River Crossing Study, completed in February 2004, concluded that the key areas of recurring congestion and safety issues in the South Hadley to Sunderland study area are the Route 9 corridor in Hadley, the Coolidge bridge (reconstruction completed in 2005) and the I-91 interchange 19/Damon Road intersection in Northampton. Approximately 34,900 vehicles per day cross the Coolidge Bridge over the Connecticut River between Hadley and Northampton and the traffic volume is expected to grow by 24% by 2025. Since interchange 19 is now a partial interchange (NB-off and SB-on only) the study recommendations included a concept (#15) to make this interchange fully directional while addressing capacity deficiencies at the Damon Road intersections with Rte 9 to the south and with Rtes 5&10 to the north. This project incorporates the concept 15 recommendations.
Northampton Office of Planning and Development: I-91/Exit 19 Interchange Reports