The Ward 3 Neighborhood Association makes this announcement today. All members of the public are welcome to this event.
To: Members of the Ward 3 Neighborhood Association
Re: Spaghetti Supper Fundraiser for Northampton Fire Victims
From: Jerry Budgar, President
The Ward 3 Neighborhood Association and the World War II Club on Conz Street will be jointly sponsoring a Spaghetti Supper Fundraiser to benefit the victims of the recent Northampton Fires. There will be two sittings for dinner, at 5:30 and 7 p.m. this Friday, January 22nd, at the World War II Club. Members of the Association and the World War II Club are cooperating in this project, and we hope to raise a nice sum to help our friends and neighbors who were victimized by the recent rash of fires in our area.
Most, if not all, of the food for this supper is being donated by local businesses, and other businesses are donating prizes for a raffle that will also be held. We are very appreciative of the generosity of all who have helped make this event possible.
Tickets for the supper are $10 for adults, $5 for children, and toddlers are free. Many Ward 3 Association board members have tickets available. If you don’t know any board members, feel free to contact me by phone or email and I’ll be glad to get them to you. My telephone number is 584-2964 and my email address is:…
I want to thank the World War II Club for being so helpful and supportive in so many ways in the wake of these awful fires. They offered to do whatever they could to assist our efforts after the fires and in fact hosted the organizational meeting of the Ward 3 Neighborhood Watch. They’ve been a great neighbor and we thank them for all they’ve done.
I hope to see everyone at the spaghetti supper on Friday!!!
Jerry Budgar
See also:
January 24: Ice Fishing Derby & Raffle for Northampton Fire Victims
Facebook: “Friends of Northampton Arson Victims”, Upcoming Benefits
Gazette: “Arlo Guthrie to play at benefit” (1/11/10)
The concert is planned for the night of Jan. 23 at the Academy of Music. Tickets are $15.
Primate Fiasco and The Winterpills are among the other artists scheduled to perform. All proceeds will go to the Northampton Neighbors Relief Fund.