March 23: Smith College Landscape Studies students to show their work

The Ward 3 Neighborhood Association announces: Smith College Landscape Studies students to show their work March 23DATE: March 23rdTIME: 7-8:30 PMPLACE: Bridge St School CafeteriaPlease come to see some new ideas and give your feedback toward the completion of their final products.Design topics include: Bridge Street Cemetery Sustainable Back-yard Agriculture A Permaculture Plan for the […]

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Photo Essay: “A Frosty Morning” by Tom McCurry

North Street neighbor Tom McCurry has kindly shared these photos taken earlier this month. He writes, “When I went outside with my dogs this morning, I immediately noticed the hoary frost which covered everything, including our back steps. After eating breakfast, I donned my long underwear, grabbed my camera and went to the Norwottuck Rail […]

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Urban Trees Linked to Healthier Babies

The Oregonian reports this month: Researchers used satellite images to compare tree cover around the houses of 5,696 women who gave birth in Portland in 2006 and 2007. Pregnant women living in houses graced by more trees were significantly less likely to deliver undersized babies… “Maybe it sounds a bit daft at first,” says lead […]

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November 29: Open Meeting to Found the Meadow City Conservation Coalition in Ward 3

The Ward 3 Neighborhood Association announces: AN OPEN MEETING IS BEING CALLED TO FOUND THE MEADOW CITY CONSERVATION COALITION IN WARD THREE The Coalition’s purpose is to foster Conservation in the Connecticut River Flood Plain. Please join us on Monday November 29th at 7 pm at Bridge Street School Library. We welcome Ward Three residents […]

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An Open Letter from Residents of Edwards Square to Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish

Tim Jacobs and other residents of Edwards Square have asked us to publish this open letter. There will be public hearings on the proposal by St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish on October 14 starting at 7:30pm in City Council Chambers. Concerned citizens are urged to attend. An open letter from the concerned citizens of Northampton. We welcome […]

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October 18: Final Public Forum on the Draft Open Space, Recreation, and Multi-Use Plan

The Office of Planning and Development announces: The final of three public forums on the draft Open Space, Recreation, and Multi-Use Plan will be held this coming Monday October 18th at 7:00 PM in City Council Chambers [see below]. This will be the same format at the first two forums (presentation on the draft plan […]

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Ward 3 Open Space Survey Results

The Ward 3 Neighborhood Association and Smith College have just released the results of an informal survey regarding open space and recreation. Here are the top five responses to Question 7 (among the 94 respondents who answered the question correctly): If you could tell the City three things that we needed in Ward 3 that would make […]

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October 14: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish on Planning Agenda

October 14 will be a busy evening for the Zoning Board of Appeals and the Planning Board. Items of special importance to Ward 3 are marked in red: THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS will hold a public hearing in Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton: 5:30 P.M. Special Permit request by Andrew Payne & Loretta […]

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Video: Zoning Revisions Committee Meeting of 10/6/10; King Street Forum Comments; Planning Staff Offer Suggestions

Here is a complete video of the 10/6/10 meeting of Northampton’s Zoning Revisions Committee. The committee discussed a search for a new chair, comments from the recent forums on King Street, and suggestions from the planning staff on what activities to prioritize through next spring. This video is 1 hour 47 minutes long and was recorded by […]

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September 23: Second Forum on Northampton Open Space, Recreation & Multi-Use Trail Plan

Northampton’s Office of Planning and Development announces today: The second public forum on the draft Northampton Open Space, Recreation, & Multi-Use Trail Plan: 2011-2017 will be held this coming Thursday, September 23rd, at 7:00 PM in the basement of the Unitarian Church next to City Hall. The first public forum was held on Tuesday [see video]. […]

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